Yes, a {{fee|charge}} may be charged depending on the {{payment method|payment option|payment type|payment system}}. Payments through online banking or {{cashless transactions|cashless methods|cashless systems|cashless payments}} are made without a fee.

Payments made by any method are credited within {{1 minute|one minute|60 seconds|the shortest time}}, except for {{wire transfers|cashless transactions}}.

Check if the payment has been {{deducted|charged|withdrawn}} from your card. If it has been deducted, please contact our support, and we will manually verify the {{payment|transaction|operation|payment order}} and credit it. If it hasn't been deducted, please try to make the payment again.

Try to pay by card through another {{payment aggregator|payment provider|payment intermediary|payment processor}}, such as Paymaster or Interkassa.

Yes, you can pay through an {{aggregator|payment aggregator|payment provider|payment processor}}. When paying with cryptocurrency, we also ask that you top up your balance by {{1 RUB|one RUB|1 rub.|one rub.}} using any other method. If you refuse, we reserve the right to suspend the provision of {{services|support|maintenance|service}}.